How to Avoid Investment Scams?

Listening | English and Chinese scripts are provided below and you can understand the content easier.

Hi everyone, I recently received messages from my friends that they’ve joined my chat groups on the social media platforms. They also followed my investment tips with a claim of guaranteed profits owing to the trust of my fame. They thought that I’ve the inside information, hence purchasing stocks of some companies based on my tips.

I’m so surprised with the information. It’s important for me to clarify the issues because those groups may be the investment traps. It isn’t realistic to expect low risk investments with high guaranteed returns. The investment opportunities sound too good to be true. In reality, earning quick money can cause you losing all of your money. Please be careful!

I would like to reiterate that I do not set up any investment groups to share my investment insights and recommendations on the social media platforms. The fraudsters impersonate me and lure investors to scams. The fraudsters may make use of my reputation to spread false and flavourable news of the target companies.

If the investors blindly follow the tips, they will be misled to purchase the stocks of those companies. What are the objectives of convincing investors to purchase stocks? What are the benefits towards the fraudsters? Have you heard of “ramp and dump” scam?

The trap starts here. The fraudsters buy the stocks of small listed companies with a low price in advance. They can be named as penny stocks. Next, the fraudsters spread the positive news of the companies and use various means to drive up the price of those stocks. The investors jump on the bandwagon and purchase the stocks with inflated price.

Can you imagine the consequence? The fraudsters sell and dump the stocks at a high price in the market. The price of those stocks collapses dramatically. Do you think that the investors are alert to the sudden change? Of course not! The fraudsters dump all the stocks at once, take profits and vanish into thin air. In turn, the investors do not know why and what the issues are.

Unfortunately, they’ve fallen into the investment scams and suffered significant losses. The innocent victims are left holding stocks with plummeted value. Their beliefs in the rise of stock price again may give them hope. However, it’s just a dream.

Being a well-known stock commentator, I only use YouTube channel to share my investment analysis. If you found my photos, videos and media interviews posted in other investment groups or platforms featuring my name, they must be the fake investment groups. To avoid from being cheated by organized fraudsters, you should not follow or subscribe those accounts or groups.

Whenever we make investment decisions, we should understand the risks of different products. There is no guarantee of making money from your investments. Do you know why? There are many factors affecting the value of the investments. You may be aware that we should not put all eggs in one basket. You’re not expected to lose all of your money owing to one single product. Please bear in mind.









身為知名股票評論員,我只使用YouTube頻道來分享我的投資分析。如果您在其他投資群組或平台上發現我的照片、影片和媒體採訪,那麼這些投資群組一定是假。為了避免被有組織的詐欺者欺騙,您不應關注或訂閱這些賬戶或群組。 當我們做出投資決定時,我們應該了解不同產品的風險。我們無法保證您的投資一定能賺錢,您知道為什麼嗎?影響投資價值的因素很多。您可能知道我們不應該把所有雞蛋放在一個籃子裡。您不會因為一種產品而損失所有的錢,請牢記。

DISCLAIMER: The video is not intended for selling any investment product. It’s for education purpose of English only. When considering investment, please understand the risks of different investment products.


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