How to Spot Investment Scams?

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Top 5 things that we should beware of investment opportunities.

5. Offer of commissions, free meals and seminars

Scammers usually provide commissions to encourage their targets bringing in their friends and families as the base of investors. If you believe in earning such incentives, you’ll fall into an investment scam.

Scammers try to get you to invest in fraudulent schemes by promising the high return quickly. You may be asked to promote the scheme to your friends and relatives for earning commissions.

Finally, your friends and relatives will be cheated because of your relationships. As a result, scammers will take all of the money and disappear.

Scammers may also attract you to invest by offering free meals or seminars. Again, please do not trust them. They clearly understand the weakness of human by offering something for free. Unfortunately, you’ll tend to invest due to your greediness.

Starting from today, please do not trust the high commissions and free offers when you’re approached with an unsolicited investment opportunities.

4. Failure of providing written documents

Scammers usually avoid putting things in writing. They may use the excuse of lacking of time. If you believe in such excuse, you’ll fall into an investment scam.

Scammers cannot provide a prospectus or other form of written documents highlighting the risks of an investment.

As a smart investor, you should be aware of the relevant risks involved before making any investment decision.

Starting from today, please be smart that you should stop having any communication about the investment without the written details covering returns and risks.

3. Limited time or quota only

Scammers usually create an urgency of the investment opportunity. They may claim that it’s a golden chance to catch up the opportunity. If you believe in a time-limited or quota-limited offer, you’ll fall into an investment scam.

Scammers may trick you into believing that you’ll lose the opportunity after certain time or selling out of the investment products.

By exaggerating the number of investors joining the offer, scammers may force you to make a quick decision rather than losing the great opportunity.

Scammers use the tactic of time pressure and persuade you to react quickly. They claim the investment as an “once-in-a-lifetime” opportunity. They may also ask you not to tell others about the opportunity. It’s aimed to tempt you into making an incorrect decision.

Starting from today, please do not trust any investments with limited time or quota. Please think twice before rushing into buying an investment.

2. Promises of high returns without risk

Scammers usually promise their targets unreasonably high returns without any risk. If you believe in zero risk and high return investments, you’ll fall into an investment scam.

Scammers may trick you into believing that you’ll make high returns on your money if you invest with them. It’s guaranteed that you can make a lot of money within a short period of time. As soon as you follow their instructions, they would claim that you can easily get rich quickly.

In reality, those investments may not be real. Scammers downplay the risks to your money and highlight the promise of earning quick buck with little effort. Such promise should raise your alarm.

Starting from today, please do not trust any investments with guaranteed high returns with low or no risks.

1. Cold calling by unknown parties

Scammers usually find their targets by making cold phone calls, sending emails, posting instant messages or content at social media platforms. If you do not verify their details but trust them directly, you’ll fall into an investment scam.

Scammers may pretend to be government officials to collect personal and bank account information. They may also send fake emails with embedded links and ask their targets to log in the bank’s websites. Although the email seems genuine with an official-looking banking logo, it’s a very good fake.

Scammers may also approach their targets via different social media platforms and build relationship with them. You may be invited to join investment group.

It’s strange that you cannot call them but send text message only. Once getting the trust from you, scammers will use different excuses to ask for money bit by bit.

Starting from today, please hang up once receiving those calls from an unknown person and do not click on the embedded links sent from untrusted parties. Please beware of the fake profiles and reviews of their products.



5. 提供佣金、免費餐食和研討會










3. 僅有限時間或名額






2. 承諾高回報及無風險





1. 不知名的陌生電話







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