New Year Greetings
Talk | Mandarin script is also provided below and you can understand the content easier.
(1) For the Year of Rabbit
Wishing you good luck in the year of Rabbit! 祝您兔年行大運!
Wishing you great fortune and income in the year of Rabbit! 祝您兔年大吉大利!
Be proud and happy! 祝您兔(吐)氣揚眉!
May you work hard and be strong! 祝您奮發兔(圖)强!
(2) For People In General
Wishing you prosperity and wealth! Kung Hei Fat Choi! 祝您恭喜發財!
Wishing you a happy New Year! 祝您新年快樂!
Wishing you a fruitful and progressive New Year! 祝您新年進步!
May all your wishes come true! 祝您心想事成!
May everything go well with you! 祝您萬事如意!
Wishing you good health! 祝您身體健康!
Wishing you safe as always! 祝您出入平安!
Wishing you having an energetic body and spirit! 祝您龍馬精神!
Wishing you having surplus year after year! 祝您年年有餘!
(3) For Students
May you excel at your studies! 祝您學業進步!
May you grow stronger and healthily! 祝您快高長大!
Wishing you having a smart brain! 祝您聰明伶俐!
Wishing you smiling and being happy as always! 祝您笑口常開!
(4) For Employees
Wishing you getting promoted! 祝您步步高升!
Wishing your career having bright development! 祝您事業蒸蒸日上!
Wishing your career going well! 祝您事業一帆風順!
(5) For Companies
Wishing your business booming! 祝您公司生意興隆!
Wishing your business reaching target with flying colour! 祝您公司爆數爆指標!
Wishing your company having a great development! 祝您公司鴻圖大展
May wealth come generously to your company! 祝您公司財源廣進!