Afraid of Phishing Emails?

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What is a phishing email? How does it work?

The email was sent by a scammer with fake message and link to a fake website. If you trust the message, you may click on the link embedded in the email.

What is the flow after clicking the link?

The link is diverted to a website pretending to be from large organisation e.g., bank that you know. As you may not be alert to such fake message, you’ll log in the bank’s website which shows the same design of digital banking.

Do you know that you may have leaked your personal information to the scammer?

Your sensitive bank information and password are captured during the login. The scammer steals your information and it may cause your loss of money and theft identity later.

How can the scammer make money after getting the information?

The scammer can use your login credential and enquire your bank account and personal information. Money can be transferred out to a third party and it would cause your loss of money.

The scammer can open banking account or apply for banking services e.g., borrowing different loans from different banks in your name. The scammer leaves you to deal with the consequence of repaying outstanding debt.

The scammer can also sell your sensitive information including credit card number to criminals. When such information falls into the wrong hands, it can lead to repeated frauds, identity thefts or similar harms.

How should you handle phishing emails?

Please do not click on the links embedded in the emails immediately. For any uncertainties, you should check with the banks if there are any announcements of phishing emails recently.

Banks should receive similar feedback from customers and post alert notifications at the websites. If you found those notifications, you should delete those phishing emails.

If such phishing emails were not notified by the banks, you should contact customer hotlines and report the cases to the banks immediately.

If you’ve already clicked the link and logged in digital banking, you should change your password immediately by avoiding the successful login from criminals.

If you found any loss of money in your account, please report to the bank and police immediately.

In order not to be the victim, you should keep your personal and financial information securely. Please do not share the information over phone calls or emails.




















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