Preparing to Buy a House

Speaking | English & Chinese scripts are provided below and you can understand the content easier.

Hello, may I speak to Karen?

Speaking. Who’s calling?

This is Jimmy. Nice to speak to you. I saw your introduction of the apartment via the video at the property agency’s mobile application.

Oh, thank you. May I help you? Do you have any questions?

The video is very informative.

Thanks again. Are you interested in purchasing or renting a house?

I’m planning to purchase a new apartment.

It’s cool. Home prices are now beginning to slowly rise and there are more people checking if it’s the right time to purchase the houses due to the potential growth.

As you’ve explained the detail professionally at the video, I would like to know more about the latest market situation.

You’re welcome. My pleasure.

What do you think of the house price?

I’m grateful that you’re patient enough to listen to my briefing before. If your purpose is not for investment, I think you can start to take more visits and perform the research.

As my family will increase one new member, I’m planning to purchase a new apartment due to the insufficient space.

No problem. Will you consider to stay at the existing area or move to other area?

I prefer not to move to other area. It would be better for the location to be closer to my parents. They can conveniently take care of the baby without travelling a lot.

That’s great. Do you have any budget range?

Not at the moment. I’ve continually browsed the property information of your mobile APP.

Hey, thanks for your support of my company. Is it helpful?

Definitely yes. I’m impressed by the Virtual Reality (VR) function. It saves me much of the time by virtually visiting properties without leaving my home.

The experience is extraordinary because it’s a three-dimensional (3-D) digital walkthrough for a full property online.

I can feel that I’m present in that place. I can control where to visit and when to stop during the virtual tour. Each of the position can be enlarged for my thorough checking.

It’s also fabulous for the clear and 3-D view including the landscape and direction of the flat. You need not rush for the time and can freely navigate and repeatedly access the flat anytime.

I used to view photos and videos in the past when browsing similar mobile APP. Surprisingly, when I explore the property now via your mobile APP, I can also view the floor plan from different angles.

It can help me to get a more dynamic feel for the space. Moreover, I can understand better how I should put the furniture and arrange design for my dream home in the future.

Are you aware of different design options that can be added at the VR screen?

Oh, my goodness. You mean that I can view the simulated screens with my selected design.

Exactly. You can visualize the final effect as reference. It’s undeniable that there are so much benefits to customers.

Next time, you can ask me questions instantly during having a VR tour. I can guide you through the virtual tour. It can solve your uncertainty and worries immediately. Or you can also have text-chat with me via different social media platforms.

I can’t believe that being a property agent is now required to be a fast learner of new application.

We can only survive by improving ourselves and embracing technology under such transformation of real estate.

If not, we’ll be eliminated from the society. Please have rest assured that I’ll try my best efforts to serve you well. I’ll feedback your queries at my earliest convenience.

In the past one week, I’ve already virtually visited over twenty flats.

Did you narrow down some of them that can meet your criteria?

Yes, I did. It’s unexpected to me that I can get the reference valuation of the apartment from the mobile APP instantly.

That’s right. It’s another new application of technology that our system was linked up with the bank’s system to get the reference valuation in a moment.

In the past, I gave a call to the bank’s customer service centre and asked for the valuation of the apartment.

Technology has raised the customer experience. It’s as simple as clicking on the button and getting the latest valuation instantly.

It could not be compared when one to two days was required for getting the valuation in the past. Hey, I also found that there was a comparison tool that I could add on each of the flat for comparison.

It’s a new tool for helping you to have a glance of review of floor, location and other historical data with a better way of presentation. With our essential data including market news and insights, you can smartly make the purchase decision.

By the way, did you try the mortgage calculator?

Certainly. I can check the highest amount of a mortgage that I can afford to repay based on my monthly salary. It’s so user-friendly to adjust different parameters such as monthly income, interest rate and loan period and get the figures.

If you would like to calculate the monthly payment, the calculator is also able to quickly come up with the figures.

It indeed solves my pain points because it’s the one-stop and value-added means for me to understand the cost of the mortgage and the payment plan for my budget planning.

In addition, to facilitate your speedy selection of the house, you can also use different filtering options e.g., characteristics of the flat, selling prices compared to the market and developers of the whole real estate.

If you’ve already narrowed down the choices, can you advise me your available schedule for taking a physical visit of the flats?

I’ll reply you for the address of the interested apartments and time slot. Can you help to arrange with the owners?

Great. By the way, are you also interested in the first-hand property market?

I’m open to it as soon as it’s good value for the money.

I’ll send you some property showcases that are from large developers and currently under construction. It’s at the same location of your existing living area. One of the developers is now offering 10% discount of the selling price.

It sounds attractive to me. Please provide me more details.

B: Sure. Again, the virtual visualization can free up your time while providing a realistic presentation of both the exterior and interior of property. Let me send you the information first and talk to you later.






















































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